Sunday, August 5, 2012

History Solved Practice Paper

1.   The most worshipped God in later vedic period (1000 BC–600 BC) was—
(A)   Indra           (B)  Agni
(C)   Varuna      (D)  Prajapati
2.   The  capital  of  Mahajanpad ‘Vatsa’ was—
(A)   Kausambi
(B)   Mathura
(C)   Varanasi
(D)   Viratnagar
3.   Four Noble Truths are associated with—
(A)   Jainism
(B)   Hinduism
(C)   Buddhism
(D)   None of the above
(C) The four noble truths of Buddhism are Dukha (Life is full of  sorrow),
 Dukh  Samudaya (There are causes of sorrow), Dukh Nirodh (The sorrow can be removed),
Dukh Nirodha Gamini Pratipada (There is a path on which treading sorrow can be alleviated).

4.   Alexander,  the  Great  invaded India in—
(A)   325 BC        (B)  326 BC
(C)   327 BC       (D)  330 BC
5.   The  second  Buddhist  Council was held in 383 BC in—
(A)   Saptaparni
(B)   Vaishali
(C)   Patliputra
(D)   Kundala Van
6.   Rishabhadeva was Jainism—
(A)   First Tirthankar
(B)   Second Tirthankar
(C)   Last Tirthankar
(D)   None of the above
7.   Kundgram is the birth place of—
(A)   Lord Mahavira
(B)   Lord Buddha
(C)   Lord Krishna
(D)   Guru Nanak
7 (A)
8.   Who was the founder of Mimansa Darshan (Philosophy) ?
(A)   Jamini
(B)   Badarayana
(C)   Patanjali
(D)   Kapila
9.   Which  of  the  following  rivers was known by the name vitasta in ancient vedic period ?
(A)   Jhelum
(B)   Chenab
(C)   Parushani
(D)   Beas
10.   Who   established   Nalanda (Buddhist)  University ?
(A)   Gopala (Pala ruler)
(B)   Dharampal (Pala ruler)
(C)   Kumargupta I (Gupta ruler)
(D)   Ramapal (Pala ruler)
11.   Harisena  who  wrote  Prayaga Prasasti / Allahabad    Pillar inscription was the court poet of—
(A)   Chandragupta-I
(B)   Samudragupta
(C)   Kumargupta-II
(D)   Chandragupta-II
11(B)Harisena who was a court poet of Samudragupta (335-380 AD) composed
Prayaga Prasasti/ Allahabad   pillar   inscription which contains the
authentic and detailed  record  of  Samudra-gupta’s reign.
 As per this inscri-ption Samudragupta was the greatest king
 of Gupta Dynasty (319 AD-540 AD)
12.   Harsh era began in—
(A)   706 AD       (B)  606 AD
(C)   806 AD       (D)  506 AD
13.   Who among the following was not the part of tripartite struggle which took place towards the end of
the 8th century ?
(A)   Pallavas
(B)   Palas
(C)   Partiharas
(D)   Rashtrakutas
14.   Who   among   the   following created the department of Agri-culture Diwan-i-Kohi ?
(A)   Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
(B)   Alauddin Khilji
(C)   Ghiyasuddin Balban
(D)   Ibrahim Lodhi
15.   Which Sultanate ruler assumed the title Zille-Ilahi (Shadow of God) ?
(A)   Alauddin Khilji
(B)   Ibrahim Lodhi
(C)   Firoz Shah Tughlaq
(D)   Ghiyasuddin Balban
16.   Who wrote  Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi giving an account of Firoz Shah Tughlaq’s reign ?
(A)   Alberuni
(B)   Zia Uddin Barni
(C)   Amir Khusrau
(D)   Minhaj-us-Siraj
17.   The most famous sufi saint of Naqshbandi order of Sufism is—
(A)   Shaikh Ahmad Sirhind
(B)   Shaikh Badruddin Samar-kandi
(C)   Shaikh Bahauddin Zakariya
(D)   Khwaja Baqi Billah
18.   Akbar proclaimed new religion Din-i-Ilahi in—
(A)   1560            (B)  1570
(C)   1581            (D)  1590
19.   In  India,  the  first  Portuguese governor of was—
(A)   Alfonso d Albuquerque
(B)   Francisco de Almeida
(C)   Nino da Cunha
(D)   Martin Alfonso de Souza
20.   The  headquarters  of  Central Water Tribunal is located in—
(A)   Kolkata      (B)  Delhi
(C)   Mumbai    (D)  Chennai
21.   By which Constitutional Amend ment  Act  was  Article  19 amen-ded to impose restrictions on the freedom of expression ?
(A)   16th Constitutional Amend-ment Act 1963
(B)   19th Constitutional Amend-ment Act 1966
(C)   15th Constitutional Amend-ment Act 1963
(D)   14th Constitutional Amend-ment Act 1962
21(A)By  the  Constitution  (Six-teenth Amendment) Act, 1963,
 Article 19 was amended to impose further restriction on the
 rights to freedom of speech and expression, to assemble peace-ably
and without arms and to form associations in the interests
of sovereignty and integrity of India
22.   The Constitution deals with the citizenship from Article 5 to 11 under—
(A)   Part III        (B)  Part II
(C)   Part IV       (D)  Part V
23.   Trafffic in human beings and forced labour has been prevented under—
(A)   Article 24
(B)   Article 26
(C)   Article 23
(D)   Article 27
24.   Who among the following has called the Constitution of India a paradise for lawyers ?
(A)   Ivor Jennings
(B)   Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(C)   Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru
(D)   Dr. B. N. Rau
25.   Who was the chairman of Special Committee to Examine the Draft Constitution of India ?
(A)   Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(B)   Sir Alladi Krisnaswamy Iyer
(C)   Sardar Patel
(D)   Jawahar Lal Nehru
26.   The final session of the Consti-tuent  Assembly  of  India  was held on—
(A)   January 20, 1950
(B)   January 25, 1950
(C)   January 24, 1950
(D)   January 15, 1950
27.   The ideal of justice as enshrined in the preamble to the Constitu-tion of India has been taken from—
(A)   Irish Constitution
(B)   Russian Constitution
(C)   Japanese Constitution
(D)   Canadian Constitution
28.   In which of the following cases did Supreme Court of India hold that Preamble is a part of the Constitution ?
(A)   Kesavananda Bharati Case (1973)
(B)   Berubar Union Case (1960)
(C)   Both of the above
(D)   None of the above
29.   Under  which  Article  can  the Martial Law be imposed ?
(A)   Article 35
(B)   Article 34
(C)   Article 36
(D)   Article 38
30.   The Protection of Civil Rights Act which provides for punish-ments  for  offences  related  to caste  and  religion  was  passed in—
(A)   1955            (B)  1960
(C)   1965            (D)  1970
31.   Who among the following has never been Chairman of  Finance Commission of India ?
(A)   N. K. P. Salve
(B)   Y. B. Chavan
(C)   A. M. Khusro
(D)   B. B. Tandon
31(D)B. B. Tandon was the Chief Election Commissioner of
India from May 2005 till Feb. 2006
32.   On behalf of the government which of the following decides Minimum Support Prices ?
(A)   Planning Commission
(B)   Ministry of Agriculture
(C)   Agriculture Cost and Price Commission
(D)   None of the above
32(C)Minimum Support Price is the price at which government may
purchase the crop from the farmers directly if the price of their
crops falls below Minimum Support Price.
33.   Tarapore Committee submitted its report on full convertibility on Rupee in—
(A)   Current Account
(B)   Capital Account
(C)   Both in Current as well as in capital account
(D)   Special   Drawings   Rights (SDR)
34.   SEBI is a—
(A)   Statutory Body
(B)   Advisory Body
(C)   Constitutional Body
(D)   Non-statutory Body
34(A)SEBI stands for Securities and Exchange Board of India
35.   When was SAARC established ?
(A)   On December 8, 1984
(B)   On January 1, 1984
(C)   On December 8, 1985
(D)   On January 1, 1985
35(C)SAARC  stands  for  South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
36.   Public Sector means—
(A)   Government ownership on commerce and trade
(B)   Capitalist ownership on commerce and trade
(C)   Private ownership on trade
(D)   None of the above
37.   The basis of determining dear-ness allowance to employees in India is—
(A)   National Income
(B)   Consumer Price Index
(C)   Standard of Living
(D)   Per Capita Income
38.   Which of the following commit-tees was constituted for reforms in tax structure ?
(A)   Narsimham Committee
(B)   Chelliah Committee
(C)   Gadgil Committee
(D)   Kelkar Committee
39.   Cryolite is ore of—
(A)   Sodium
(B)   Potassium
(C)   Aluminium
(D)   Copper
40.   Odontology is the study of—
(A)   Bones
(B)   Blood
(C)   Liver
(D)   Teeth and gums

Events of the year 2011(FlashBack)


Pakistani leader killed
January 4:
Pakistan's Punjab’s liberal Governor Salman Taseer is assassinated by his security guard for calling the blasphemy law a “black law.”

United andhra
January 6:
The Justice Srikrishna Committee recommends a united Andhra Pradesh with Constitutional measures for social, economic and political empowerment for Telangana, as the “best way forward” to “continue the momentum of development of all three regions.”

2g loss is less
January 7:
Telecom minister Kapil Sibal disputes the Comptroller and Auditor General of India's estimate that the exchequer suffered a presumptive loss of `1.76 lakh crore on account of giving 2G licences in 2008 without an auction, stating that there was no such loss.

Floods kill hundreds in Brazil
January 13: Devastating mudslides and floods sweep away entire neighbourhoods in the mountains near Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, killing at least 335 people.

Indian scientist honoured
January 18
The UK government awarded the Guy Medal in Gold, the highest prize for innovative contribution to statistics, to Prof. C.R. Rao, a Hyderabad-based scientist and mathematician. This is the first time in 100 years that the medal is being awarded to a non-European.

Prosecute Yeddy
January 21:
Karnataka Governor H.R. Bhardwaj grants approval for the prosecution of Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa, for his alleged involvement in illegal land deals, setting off a political storm, with violence breaking out in the state.

Kalmadi sacked
January 24:
Newly-appointed sports minister Ajay Maken sacks Suresh Kalmadi, chairman of the scandal-ridden Commonwealth Games 2010’s Organising Committee (OC), who along with other members of the committee, faces corruption charges in connection with the conduct of the games.


Protest like an Egyptian
February 1:
People gather in Tahrir Square in Cairo, respo-nding to the Opposition’s call for a “million man protest”. Lakhs take to the streets in scenes never seen before in the Arab nation’s modern history, demanding President Hosni Mubarak’s ouster.

Ex-minister Raja arrested
February 2:
The CBI arrests former telecom minister A. Raja, and former telecom secretary Siddartha Behura, for allegedly violating established procedures in allotting licences for 2G spectrum in 2007-08, and causing a Rs 1.76 lakh crore loss to the national exchequer.

Chiranjeevi Joins Congress
February 6:
Praja Rajyam leader and matinee idol K. Chiranjeevi announces the merger of his party with the Indian National Congress.

Shahid Balwa is arrested
February 8:
The CBI arrests Dynamix Balwas (DB) group managing director Shahid Usman Balwa in connection with the 2G spectrum allocation scam.

Hosni Mubarak resigns
February 11:
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigns, and hands control to the military after 30 years in power, bowing to a historic 18-day wave of pro-democracy demonstrations by thousands.

AP Governor assaulted
February 17: Andhra Pradesh Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan is assaulted by pro-Telangana leaders in the House during a joint session of the state legislature.

65 die in earthquake
February 22
At least 65 people were killed after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand’s southern city of Christchurch, crushing buildings and leaving hundreds of people trapped.


Gaddafi’s forces kill Libyans
March 7: Muammar Gaddafi’s forces kill 21 people, including a child, and injure dozens in Libya’s rebel-held city of Misurata during fighting and shelling.

Quake and Tsunami hit Japan coast
March 11
The biggest earthquake
on record to hit Japan rocks the northeast coast, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that kills at least 10,000 people. The incident leads to the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown, bringing back memories of the Chernobyl disaster.

Hasan Ali Khan arrested
March 8:
Pune-based racehorse owner Hasan Ali Khan, known for his lavish lifestyle, is arrested on charges of money laundering.

Raja aide dies
March 16:
Sadiq Batcha, a close aide of former telecom minister A. Raja, who is facing a CBI probe in the 2G scam, found dead in his house in Chennai.

We are now 1.21 billion people
March 31:
India’s population stands at 1.21 billion, an increase of more than 181 million in the last 10 years, according to the provisional 2011 General Census. The census shows the sex ratio to be 914 females per 1,000 males. Female literacy, which in 2001 stood at 53.67 per cent, is at 65.46 per cent in 2011. Male literacy has risen from 75.26 per cent to 82.14 per cent.


Adi Godrej ISB chief
April 2:
Adi Godrej, chairman of the Godrej group, is elected chairman of the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad.

National awards presented
April 1:
President Pratibha Patil presents the Padma Vibhushan to veteran actor Dr A. Nageswara Rao and the Padma Shri to agriculture scientist Dr E.A. Siddiq and ace shooter Gagan Narang at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi.

First fast of Anna
April 5:
Anna Hazare begins his fast to demand a strong Jan Lokpal Bill to tackle corruption. The fast led to nation-wide support for his India Against Corruption movement. The fast ended after his demands were accepted, but it was only the first of many agitations he has launched since.

Binayak Sen gets bail
April 15:
The Supreme Court grants bail to rights activist Dr Binayak Sen, who had been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment by a Chhattisgarh trial court for sedition and helping Naxalites set up a network to wage war against the state.


Osama Bin Laden is killed
May 2:
Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was killed in a US Special Forces and CIA helicopter-borne raid on a mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Pakistani troops were kept out of the operation and bin Laden’s body was buried at sea.

Gogoi’s third win
May 13:
Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi leads his party to a hat-trick victory, with the Congress winning a majority of 71 in the 126-member Assembly. He will be Chief Minister for the third successive term.

IMF chief is arrested
May 15: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, International Monetary Fund chief and possible French presidential contender, arrested and charged with sexual assault, including attempted rape, on a hotel maid in New York City.

Kanimozhi arrested
May 20:
Kanimozhi, Rajya Sabha MP, was arrested and sent to Tihar Jail by a Delhi court which dismissed her bail plea in the 2G spectrum scam case.

Ladies come first
May 13, 2011:
Trinamul Congress chieftain Mamata Banerjee ends 34-year Left rule in Bengal and becomes Chief Minister.

Chandy takes oath as Kerala CM
May 18:
Oommen Chandy is sworn in Kerala Chief Minister after the Congress wrests the state from the Left Front. Chandy was earlier CM from 2004 to 2006.


Ramdev evicted
June 5:
The government justifies police action to evict anti-corruption protesters from Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan, it also rules out any further negotiations with Baba Ramdev regarding his demand to bring back black money stashed in foreign banks.

Anna announces fast
June 21:
Failing to arrive at a consensus on the provisions of the proposed Lokpal Bill, Anna Hazare announces that he will go ahead with his proposed hunger strike from August 16 to “teach the government a lesson”.

Car bomb kills 60
June 25:
A huge car bomb at a hospital kills 60 people in Afghanistan’s worst attack in three years.

Temple treasure
June 30:
Vaults of the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerala are opened to reveal astonishing wealth estimated to be `10,000 crore. Valut B is not to be opened for the present due to the fear of an ancient curse.


Wedding in Monaco
July 2:
Prince Albert II of Monaco gets married to Charlene Wittstock of South Africa. The wedding was marred by allegations that the bride was reluctant and also by rumours that the Prince was facing a paternity suit.

A new country is born
July 9:
Oil-rich South Sudan becomes the world’s newest country, splitting from the Khartoum-ruled north after decades of brutal war that claimed some two million lives. Glorious celebration of the long-awaited independence began in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, at midnight.

70 die in rail mishap
July 10:
The Howrah-Delhi Kalka Mail derails near Fatehpur in UP, killing 70 people. Three days earlier, the Mathura Chhapra Express had rammed into a bus carrying wedding guests, killing 38 persons.

The last edition
July 10:
The News of the World bid goodbye with its last edition with the headline, Thank You & Goodbye, printed on the backdrop of front pages of the breaking stories it published in 8,674 editions over its 168-year-old history.

Terror hits Mumbai
July 13:
Serial terror strikes in Mumbai — three blasts ripped through congested areas of the city, leaving 21 people dead and 145 others injured. The blasts took place between 6.50 pm and 7.04 pm at Opera House, Zaveri Bazaar and near Kabutarkhana in Dadar.


Justice Sen impeached
August 18:
Rajya Sabha creates history by voting overwhelmingly to impeach Calcutta High Court judge Soumitra Sen for alleged misappropriation of Rs 32 lakh and misrepresenting facts.

Narayana Murthy retires
August 19:
N.R. Narayana Murthy, the iconic chairman of Infosys, bids adieu to the company he co-founded in 1981 and nurtured to make it India’s second largest software services company with $6 billion in annual revenues.

Protests in Syria
August 20:
Syrian forces fire heavy machine-guns and kill 34 people in a residential district in the central city of Homs after protests against President Bashar al-Assad, who faces growing world isolation for his repression of five months of unrest.

September 5:
CBI, Hyderabad, arrests mining barons Gali Janardhan Reddy and his brother-in-law B. Srinivas Reddy after an early morning raid in Bellary in connection with the illegal mining case.

Bombing outside Delhi HC
September 7:
Terrorists executed an audacious strike in the national capital by triggering a powerful explosion outside the Delhi High Court, leaving at least 11 persons dead and over 70 injured. The terror outfit Harkat-ul-Jehadi-Islami (HuJI) claimed responsibility for the blast.

Amar Singh arrested
September 6:
Rajya Sabha member Amar Singh and two ex-BJP MPs, Faggan Singh Kulaste and Mahabir Singh Bhagora, are arrested at the national capital’s Tis Hazari Courts for their alleged involvement in the cash-for-votes scam that had rocked Parliament in July 2008.

Cop arrested
September 30:
Whistleblower IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt, who had riled Narendra Modi by filing an affidavit in the SC against the Gujarat government and the CM in connection with the 2002 riots, was arrested by cops who later raided his home.

Earthquake hits Sikkim, Bengal
September 18:
An earthquake of 6.9 magnitude hits Sikkim and West Bengal, killing 111 people and destroying vast tracts of the hilly state.


Cheap Aakaash tablet arrives
October 5:
The government unveils the world’s cheapest tablet web access device Aakaash. Priced at `2,276, the device will be subsidised by up to 50 per cent for students, as the government prepares to expand IT education in the country.

PSLV launched into orbit
October 12:
In yet another successful flight, India’s trusted workhorse Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle perfectly places an Indo-French satellite, Megha-Tropiques, in orbit from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Shar in Sriharikota.

New Saudi crown prince
October 27:
Saudi Arabia’s Interior Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdel-Aziz Al Saud is made the new Prince of the country.

Iqbal mirchi arrested
October 11:
The police in London arrests Iqbal Mirchi, a key associate of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, a move viewed as significant by the intelligence establishment.

Bhutan’s king marries
October 13:
Bhutan’s 31-year-old King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck marries 21-year-old student Jetsun Pema in a colourful ceremony showcasing the rich Buddhist culture of one of the world’s most remote and insular countries.

Raj Rajaratnam convicted
October 13:
Raj Rajaratnam, 54, billionaire hedge fund manager and founder of the Galleon group, convicted in May on 14 counts of securities fraud and conspiracy, is handed a 11-year jail term by a Manhattan court.

Quake in Turkey
October 23:
An earthquake of 7.3 magnitude rocked eastern Turkey, with a seismological institute estimating that up to 1,000 people lay dead under the rubble of nearly 4,000 collapsed buildings and homes.

Sushil Kumar wins Rs 5 crore
October 27:
Sushil Kumar, a computer operator from Bihar, becomes the first ever person to win Rs 5 crore on Kaun Banega Crorepati. Kumar hails from Motihari and is now the ambassador for NREGA.

Muammar Gaddafi killed by rebels
October 20:
Muammar Gaddafi is dead, Libya’s new leaders said, killed by fighters who overran his home town and final bastion. His bloodied body was stripped and the images beamed around the world from a cellphone video.

Kareena gets a wax double
October 27:
Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor inaugurates her wax model at Madame Tussauds, Blackpool, England.


Koneru prasad arrested
November 3:
Koneru Prasad, the alleged mastermind behind the Emaar scam, is arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) at Hyderabad. Prasad is founder of Stylish Homes and chairman of the Trimex Group. He is also the director of Emaar Hills Township Private Limited.

It’s Venezuela once again
November 6:
Miss Venezuela Ivian Sarcos is crowned the 2011 winner of the Miss World beauty pageant at a glittering final ceremony in London. The country has won six each of Miss Universe and Miss World titles.

Kolaveri Di is a rage
November 16:
Why This Kolaveri Di, a ‘soup song’ from the Tamil film 3, written and sung by Dhanush and composed by music director Anirudh Ravichander, is released and goes viral on the Internet. It has scored 20 million hits so far.

Jackson’s doctor guilty
November 7:
Michael Jackson’s doctor Conrad Murray is found guilty of involuntary manslaughter over the King of Pop’s 2009 death, at an emotional climax to his long-awaited trial. He was later sentenced to serve four years in jail.

Godhra accused convicted
November 9:
A special fast-track court awards life imprisonment to 31 persons convicted in a 2002 post-Godhra riot case; 33 Muslims were burnt alive in Sardarpura village of Gujarat’s Mehsana district.

Baby Bachchan arrives
November 16:
Actress Aishwarya Rai gives birth to a baby girl at a private hospital in Mumbai. News of the birth is tweeted by grandfather Amitabh and husband Abhishek within minutes.

Berlusconi resigns
November 13:
Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s Prime Minister of 17 years, resigns after Parliament’s lower chamber passed reforms demanded by the European Union.

Kishenji killed in encounter
November 24:
Maoist leader Mallojula Koteshwar Rao alias Kishenji is killed in an encounter in the Burisole forest area in the Paschim Medinipur district of West Bengal. Activist groups cry foul and allege that he was shot dead in cold blood.

93 dead in hospital blaze
December 8:
As many as 93 people suffocate to death during a fire at Kolkata’s prestigious AMRI hospital. The blaze was caused by inflammable material kept in the basement.

Hooch kills 121 in bengal
December 14:
Hooch kills 121 people in Sangrampur village of South 24 Parganas of West Bengal.

Food bill introduced
December 22:
Food Security Bill, which legally entitles 63.5 per cent of the population to subsidised food grains, is introduced in Parliament.

Lokpal bill passed in LS
December 27:
Lok Sabha passes Lokpal Bill without according it Constitutional status, as Anna Hazare sits on fast. Lok Sabha also passes a Bill to protect whistleblowers.

Putin faces huge protests
December 9:
Unprecedented protests break out in Russia against the electoral victory of Vladimir Putin’s party

Saturday, August 4, 2012

50 MCQs on Indian History for UPSC Exams

50 MCQs on Indian History for UPSC Exams

1. Which one of the following adumbrated principles and constitutional provisions which were later incorporated in the MontaguChelmsford Reforms?
(A) Nehru Report
(B) Wavel Plan
(C) Lucknow Pact
(D) Poona Pact
Ans. (C)

2. Nagarjuna’s Shunyavada is expounded in—
(A) Yogachara
(B) Vaibhashika
(C) Madhyamika
(D) Sautrantilca
Ans. (C)

3. The High Courts at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras to replace the Sadar Courts of Diwali and Nizamat were established in the year—
(A) 1793
(B) 1831
(C) 1833
(D) 1865
Ans. (D)

4. The celebrated author Kshemendra lived in—
(A) Bengal
(B) Kashmir
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Gujarat
Ans. (B)

5. The earliest-Indian coins are not earlier than—
(A) 7th century B.C.
(B) 5thcentury B.C.
(C) 3rdcenturyl3.C.
(D) 2nd century A. D.
Ans. (B)

6. Given below are two statements — One labelled as Assertion (A) : and the other labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A) : There are instances of rural resistance in early medieval Deccan and South India.
Reason (R) : Grants of agrahara and devadana rights to brahmanas and temples respectively undermined the rights of villagers.
In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following correct?
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (k) are true but R is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true
Ans. (A)

7. In ancient Indian social structure the term aniravasita related to—
(A) BraInnanas and Kshatriyas
(B) Vaisyas and Sudras
(C) Sudras only
(D) People outside the Varna classification
Ans. (C)

8. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
(A) Udiyanjeral : Cheraking
(B) Nedunjeliyan : Pandya king
(C) Senganan : Chola king
(D) Pan : Pallava king
Ans. (D)

9. Biographies of Jaina Tirthankaras are found in—
(A) Bhagavati Sutra
(B) Kalpa Sutra
(C) Niryavali Sutra
(D) Uvasagadasao
Ans. (A)

10. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II
(Sources) (Information about Chandragupta Maurya, correct or incorrect, given sources mentioned in List-Il)
(a) Greek source 1. He was born in humble family
(b) Jam source 2. He was the sort of a Kshatriya chief
(c) Buddhist source 3. He was a Sudra
(d) Brahmanical source 4. He was the son of a village head man’s daughter
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 5 3 1
(B) 1 3 4 2
(C) 1 4 2 3
(D) 3 5 2 4
Ans. (C)

11. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II
(Books) (Authors)
(a) Iyar Danish 1. Abdul Hamid Lahori
(b) Humayunnama 2. Khwafi Khan
(c) Badshahnama 3. Gulbadan Begum
(d) Muntakhab-ul Luhab 4. Abul Fazl
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 4 3 1 2
(C) 4 1 3 2
(D) 1 4 3 2
Ans. (B)

12. The Polygars were—
(A) Horse-traders from Afghanistan during the Mughal period
(B) A famous caste of bankers of Marwar
(C) Chiefs subordinate to the nayakas in the Vijayanagar kingdom
(D) Agents of the European companies for purchase of silk and muslin in Bengal
Ans. (C)

13. Which one of the following Sultans extended agricultural loans called sondhars to the poor peasants for promoting cultivation?
(A) Balban
(B) Alauddin Khalji
(C) Mohd. Bin Tughlaq
(D) Firoze Tughlaq
Ans. (C)

14. This site was granted to French East-India Company in 1674 by Shaista Khan, a governor under the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, During the Seven Years” War (1756—63) this town was captured (1757) by the John Company but later (1763) restored to the French. Recaptured by the English in 1778, after the outbreak of the American war of Independence (1776—84) it was restored to the French by the Treaty of Pairs ‘1785). Wrested again by the British in 1793, on the outbreak of the revolutionary wars in Europe, it was finally restored to the French in I15 and remained part of their overseas empire until its transfer to the Indian republic in 1951”.
The reference here is to—
(A) Pondicherry
(B) Karaikkal
(C) Chandernagore
(D) Mahe
Ans. (C)

15. The East-India Company began to use the term ‘Investments in India’ for—
(A) Their bullion imports to purchase Indian goods
(B) The loot from Buxar for purchasing Indian goods
(C) The profits made from duty free inland trade and the surplus from Diwani revenue
(D) The borrowed money from India moneylenders for purchases in India
Ans. (C)

16. The Theosophists advocated the revival and strengthening of—
(A) Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism
(B) Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam
(C) Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
(D) Hinduism and Buddhism only
Ans. (D)

17. The Swaraj Party decided to take part in the Reforms Scheme under the Government of India Act, 1919 because—
(A) It wanted to gain political experience by forming government
(B) It wanted to expose the hallow ness of the reforms provided in the Act
(C) It wanted to co-operate with the government
(D) It wanted to curtail the influence of ‘No changers’
Ans. (B)

18. Which of the following newspapers advocated revolutionary terrorism during the freedom struggle?
1. The Sandhya
2. The Yugantar
3. The Kal
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 1 and 3
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Ans. (D)

19. What was considered as Varna Samkara?
(A) Illegitimate birth
(B) Revolt against the Varna system
(C) Transgression of Varna boundaries for marriage
(D) Championing the Varnasrama dharma
Ans. (A)

20. Which one of the following rebellions began in 1816 and lasted till 1832?
(A) Kol uprising
(B) Khasi uprising
(C) Kutch rebellion
(D) Naikada rising
Ans. (C)

21. The Factory Act of 1881 was passed with a view to—
(A) Prohibit the employment of children below the age of 7 in any factory
(B) Allow the workers to trade unions
(C) Fix the wages of industrial workers
(D) Reduce the working hours for women employees
Ans. (A)

22. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II
(a) Merchants 1. Jithhaka
(b) Craftsmen 2. Setthis
(c) Federation of guilds 3. Satthavaha
(d) Caravan chief 4. Bhandagarika
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 1 4 3
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 1 2 4 3
Ans. (A)

23. The system of Itlaq a sort of draft enabling a royal soldier to collect his salary from the state revenue officials was introduced by—
(A) Iltutmish
(B) Balban
(C) Alauddin Khalji
(D) Feroze Shah Tughlaq
Ans. (D)

24. The Vijayanagar rulers are remembered for promoting agriculture by—
(A) Building dams, tanks, wells, etc.
(B) Reducing tax on cultivated land
(C) Providing market facilities for agricultural products
(D) Purchasing food grains for the army
Ans. (A)

25. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II
(Nationalist Authors) (Works)
(a) Krishnaji Prabhakar Khadilkar 1. Jhansi ki Rani
(b) Subhadra Kumari Chauhan 2. Kichaka Vadh
(c) Saadat Husan 3. Kali Salwar
(d) Vallathol Narayana Menon 4. Enpe Gurunathan
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 1 3 2
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 2 1 3 4
(D) 2 3 1 4
Ans. (A)

26. Of the four events mentioned below, which one was chronologically the last to take place?
(A) Simla conference
(B) Election of July 1946
(C) The offer of the Cabinet Mission Plan
(D) Muslim League joining the Interim Government
Ans. (D)

27. In the committee which prepared the Nehru Report (1928) the Liberal Federation was by—
(A) M.R.Jayakar
(B) Tej Bahadur Sapru
(C) V. S. Srinivasa Sastri
(D) M.S.Aney
Ans. (B)

28. Which one of the following was the most westerly outpost of the Harappan culture?
(A) Lothal
(B) Sutkagen Dor
(C) Rangpur
(D) Manda
Ans. (B)

29. Which one of the following places on the Western Coast of India had an English factory?
(A) Cochin
(B) Tellicherry
(C) Cannanore
(D) Calicut
Ans. (C)

30. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) The Permanent Settlement of Bengal, concluded in 1793 by Cornwallis, provided proprietary rights in the soil to class of aristocratic Zamindars
(B) The Zamindars emerged from the Permanent Settlement operations in a weaker position
(C) Thomas Munro developed a system of settlement under which the government did not deal directly with the individual peasant cultivator ‘
(D) The land policy and settlements did not lead to structural changes in control over land aid in the relations among classes associated with land-cultivation
Ans. (A)

31. The bill to cancel the exemption given to the European community from the jurisdiction of the Magistrates and the Criminal Courts established by the East-India Company was proposed in—
(A) 1849
(B) 1861
(C) 1879
(D) 1882
Ans. (D)

32. The term Nadukal mentioned in the Sangam literature—
(A) Is a reference to a velir chief
(B) Means memorial stone
(C) Was a tax on nadus
(D) Was an item of export in Indo-Roman trade
Ans. (A)

33. According to the Mahasanghikas, a being is composed of—
(A). Five Dharmas
(B) Seven Dharmas
(C) Nine Dharmas
(D) Eighteen Dharmas
Ans. (A)

34. Which of the following were important characteristics of early Bhagavatism?
1. Devotion
2. Action
3. Knowledge
4. Social rigidity
5. Self-sacrifice (Tyaga)
(A) 1 and3
(B) 1, 2,3and5
(C) 1, 2, 4 and 5
(D) 2,3and5
Ans. (A)

35. During the reign of Bind Sara there was unrest at—
(A) Ujjayani
(B) Pushkalavati
(C) Takshasila
(D) Rajagriha
Ans. (C)

36. During the Mauryan period Lakshanadhyaksha was
(A) An officer possessing knowledge of the characteristics of animals
(B) A professional astrologer
(C) An official in charge of road marks
(D) An official in charge of mint
Ans. (D)

37. Which one of following denoted a series of coins?
(A) Gajasataka
(B) Gadhiya
(C) Hiranyadama
(D) Katisama
Ans. (B)

38. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the - Dual Government arrangement made by the East-India Company in Bengal?
(A) Executive and judicial authority were separated
(B) Revenue collection was entrusted to the Deputy Nawab, while military affairs were retained by the Company
(C) Revenue administration and the administration of criminal justice were separated and were with the British and the Nawab respectively
(D) The new arrangement was made to encourage agriculture
Ans. (B)

39. Foreign capitalists were attracted by Indian industry for a variety of reasons. Which one of the following reasons was not one of them?
(A) Labour was extremely cheap
(B) Raw materials were readily and cheaply available
(C) Indian capitalist class wars well developed but unable to compete
(D) For many Indian products there was a ready demand the world over
Ans. (C)

40. The author who described the Revolt of 1857 as the ‘First War of Independence’ was—
(A) Ashok Mehta
(B) R.C. Mazumdar
(C) S. N. Sen
(D) V. D. Savarkar
Ans. (D)

41. The three methods of land revenue assessment-batai, khet batai and long batai-were related to—
(A) Ghallabakshi
(B) Masaq
(C) Kankut
(D) Zabt
Ans. (A)

42. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists
List-I List-II
(Royal personages) (Tombs at)
(a) Babur 1. Lahore
(b) Prince Khusrau 2. Kabul
(c) Nur Jahan 3. Allahabad
(d) Rabia-ud-Dauran 4. Aurangabad

(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 3 1 4
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 4 2 3 1
(D) 1 4 2 3
Ans. (A)
43. The Mughal emperor who issued a firman to the English East-India Company in 1717 to trade freely in Bengal was —
(A) Bahadur Shah
(B) Shah Alam
(C) Farrukh Siyar
(D) Jahandar Shah
Ans. (C)

44. Who among the following were among those who caused major uprisings against Murshid Quli Khan?
1. Sitaram Ray
2. Udai Narayan
3. Ghulam Muhammad
4. Saadat Khan
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below—
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 4
(C) 1, 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 4
Ans. (A)

45. With whom was the Rayotwari settlement a made?
(A) Zamindars
(B) Cultivators
(C) Muqqadams
(D) Village Panchayats
Ans. (B)

46. Which of the following is Correct?
(A) The permanent zamindari settlement of Lord Cornwallis vested the ownership of land in the zamindars
(B) The permanent zamindari settlement of Lord Cornwallis vested the ownership of land in the individual pents
(C) The permanent zamindari settlement of Lord Cornwallis vested the ownership of land in the villages communities
(D) The permanent zamindari settlement of Lord Cornwallis vested the ownership of land in the state
Ans. (A)

47. Which agricultural product did not attract the British people?
(A) Indigo
(B) Tea
(C) Cotton
(D) Coffee
Ans. (C)

48. Which one was not a pioneer industry in India during British rule?
(A) Cotton
(B) Iron
(C) Jute
(D) Coal
Ans. (B)

49. Industrial Revolution was started in which country did—
(A) England
(B) France
(C) Germany
(D) U.S.A.
Ans. (A)

50. The First census in India was held in—
(A) 1861
(B) 1871
(C) 1881
(D) 1891
Ans. (C)

UPSC Prelims General Studies solved Question

UPSC Prelims General Studies solved Question Paper 2011

1.  Which among the following is the largest software company in India ?
(a) Infosys
(b) TCS
(d) HCL Tech
Ans: (b)

2. Which one of the following is different from the others from the point of view of ownership ?
(a) LIC Policy
(b) Bank Fixed Deposit
(c) Kisan Vikas Patra
(d) Debenture of a Company

3. In the Union Budget 2011 - 12, the effective rate of interest for farmers on timely repayment of the bank loan is
(a) 7 percent
(b) 6 percent
(c) 4 percent
(d) 3 percent
Ans: (c)

4. 'Athapoo ' is associated with which of the following festivals ?
(a) Dol Yatra
(b) Onam
(c) Pongal
(d) Vishwakarma Puja
Ans: (b)

5. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List - I                                          List - II
A. Pandit Durgalal                       1. Instrumental Music
B. Lalgudi Jayaraman                  2. Dance
C. Bala Murali  Krishna                3. Painting
D. Amrita Shergil                         4. Vocal Music
       A  B  C  D
(a)  2  1  4   3
(b)  1  2  4   3
(c)  3  1   2  4
(d)  2  4   3  1
Ans: (a)

6. South Indian festival of 'Onam' is associated with which of the following ?
(a) Ram's victory over Rawan
(b) Durga's killing of Mahishasur
(c) Shiva Shakti
(d) Mahabali
Ans: (d)

7. Which of the following crops are grown mainly in the irrigated areas during Zaid ?
(a) Arhar and Gram
(b) Moong and Urad
(c) Rice and Millets
(d) Maize and Groundnut

8. The largest producer of Sugar in India is
(a) Bihar
(b) Karnataka
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Uttar Pradesh
Ans: (c)

9. Which of the following authority sanctions foreign exchange for the import of goods ?
(a) Any Nationalised Bank
(b) Exchange Bank
(c) Reserve Bank of India
(d) Ministry of Financer
Ans: (c)

10. A letter of credit has to be produced by
(a) an exporter
(b) an importer
(c) custom authorities
(d) shipping company
Ans: (d)

11. Which organisation promotes the foreign trade ?
(a) ECGC
(b) MMTC
(c) STC
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d)

12. The main source of fund for the National Highway Authority of India is 
(a) Cess
(b) Foreign assistance
(c) Market borrowings
(d) Budgetary support of Union Government
Ans: (a)

13. Golden rice has the highest quantity of
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin K
Ans: (a) 

14. Which one of the following is useful in the treatment of scurvy disease ? 
(a) Mango
(b) Papaya
(c) Aonla
(d) Ber
Ans: (c)

15. MODVAT is related to 
(a) Excise duty
(b) Value Added Tax (VAT)
(c) Wealth Tax
(d) Income Tax
Ans: (b)

16. More than one-third of the crude steel production of the world comes from 
(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) Russia
(d) U.S.A.
Ans: (a)

17. The Sun City is located in 
(a) Italy
(b) Japan
(c) Mexico
(d) South Africa
Ans: (d)

18. The correct descending order of the leading producers of milk is 
(a) China, India, Russia, U.S.A.
(b) India, U.S.A., China, Russia
(c) U.S.A., India, China, Russia
(d) India, China, U.S.A., Russia
Ans: (b)

19. Match List - I and List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below the lists: 

List - I                                                  List - II

(Iron-Steel Centre)                             (Country)

A. Hamilton                                        1. China

B. Birmingham                                   2. Canada

C. Essen                                            3. U.K.

D. Anshan                                          4. Germany


        A   B   C   D
(a)   4   3    1   2
(b)   2   1    4   3
(c)   2   3    4   1
(d)   3   4    2   1
Ans: (c)

20. Import procedure begins with
(a) Indent
(b) Mate's receipt
(c) Marine insurance
(d) Shipping bill
Ans: (b)

21. Private Sector Mutual Funds in india were permitted in 
(a) 1964
(b) 1993
(c) 1994
(d) 2001
Ans: (b)

22. The State known as 'Garden of Spices' is
(a) Karnataka
(b) Kerala
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Tamil Nadu
Ans: (b)

23. In India two largest producers of coal (2008 -09) are 
(a) Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
(b) Chhattisgarh and Orissa
(c) Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand
(d) Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh
Ans: (d)

24.  Which of the following towns lie in the National Capital Region ? 
1. Ambala
2. Khurja
3. Karnal
4. Rohtak
Select the correct answer from the code given below: 
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 and 4 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only
(d) 2, 3 and 4 only
Ans: (d)

25. Coolgardie lies in the Australian province of 
(a) New South Wales
(b) Northern Territory
(c) Queensland
(d) Western Australia
Ans: (d)

26.  Match List - I and List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below:  
List - I (Lake)      List - II (City)
A. Erie                 1. Duluth
B. Michigan          2. Detroit
C. Ontario           3. Gary
D. Superior         4. Hamilton
       A   B    C   D
(a)   2    1   4   3
(b)   1    3   2   4
(c)   4    2    3   1
(d)   2    3   4   1
Ans: ?

27.  In India the State with the largest area under very dense forests is 
(a)  Arunachal Pradesh
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Orissa
Ans: (b)

28.  Which one of the following does NOT lie in Maharashtra ? 
(a) Balaghat Range
(b) Harishchandra Range
(c) Mandav Hills
(d) Satmala Hills
Ans: (b)

29. Which one of the following is NOT the port town of Gujarat ? 
(a) Jamnagar
(b) Okha
(c) Porbandar
(d) Veraval
Ans: ?

30.  Who among the following has been awarded the prestigious Abel Prize for the year 2011 ? 
(a) Isadore M. Singer
(b) John Griggs Thompson
(c) John Willard Milnor
(d) Peter D. Lax
Ans: (c)

31. Assertion (A): Kerala stands first in terms of human development index. 
Reason (R) : Its unemployment rate is the highest in the country.
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: ?

32. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched? 
(a) Koyali - Gujarat
(b) Nagapattinam- Andhra Pradesh
(c) Numaligarh - Assam
(d) Manali - Tamil Nadu
Ans: (d)

33. Arrange the following States of India in descending order of their forest-area and select the correct answer from the code given below:
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Chhattisgarh
4. Orissa
(a) 1, 3, 4, 2
(b) 1, 2, 3, 4
(c) 4, 3, 1, 2
(d) 2, 1, 4, 3
Ans: (a)

34. According to the World Bank's Global Development Finance Report 2010 the correct descending order of the world's five most indebted countries is 
(a) Russia, Brazil, China, Turkey, India
(b) Russia, China, Turkey, Brazil, India
(c) Russia, China, Brazil, India, Turkey
(d) Russia, Brazil, India, China,Turkey
Ans: (d)

35. In February 2011 India International Youth Film Festival was held in 
(a) Hyderabad
(b) Kolkata
(c) Mumbai
(d) New Delhi
Ans: (d)

36. At the 83rd Oscar Awards the best film award was won by 
(a) Black Swan
(b) The Fighter
(c) The King's Speech
(d) The Social Network
Ans: (c)

37. The foundation stone of the third Indian Research Centre in Antarctica was laid by the name of 
(a) Sarswati
(b) Bharti
(c) Anweshan
(d) Yamnotri
Ans: (b)

38. The author of the book "The Emperor of All Maladies A Biography of Cancer", for which 2011 Pulitzer Prize has been awarded, is 
(a) Farid Zakariya
(b) Geeta Anand
(c) Jhumpa Lahiri
(d) Siddhartha Mukherjee
Ans: (d)

39. Who among the following film actors was given Mother Teresa Award in March 2011 ? 
(a) Prem Chopra
(b) Rajesh Khanna
(c) Shammi Kapoor
(d) Shatrughan Sinha
Ans: (a)

40. Which one of the following Indian States has recently signed a $220 million agreement with the World Bank ? 
(a) Bihar
(b) Kerala
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Tamil Nadu
Ans: (a)

41. India has recently signed Comprehensive Economic Co-operation Agreement with
(a) Indonesia
(b) Malaysia
(c) Saudi Arabia
(d) Vietnam
Ans: (b)

42. Which one of the following districts of Uttar Pradesh has the highest literacy rate as per the provisional figures of 2011 Census? 
(a) Gautambuddh Nagar
(b) Ghaziabad
(c) Kanpur Nagar
(d) Lucknow
Ans: (b)

43. Thumri Singer Girija Devi belongs to 
(a) Banaras Gharana
(b) Agra Gharana
(c) Kirana Gharana
(d) Lucknow Gharana
Ans: (a)

44. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below: 

List - I (District)              List - II (Headquarters)
A. Jalaun                        1. Akbarpur
B. Kanpur Dehat             2. Navgarh
C. Sant Ravidas Nagar   3. Padrauna
D. Kushinagar                4. Orai

       A      B      C      D
(a)   4      1       2      3
(b)   4      3       2      1
(c)   2      1       3      4
(d)   1      2       4      3
Ans: (a)

45. The first Woman General Secretary of SAARC, elected in January 2011, comes from 
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Maldives
(d) Bhutan
Ans: (c)

46. The 18th Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhawana Award has been given to 
(a) Shabana Azmi
(b) Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
(c) Javed Akhtar
(d) None of the above
Ans: (b)

47. India in February 2011 signed Free Trade Agreement with 
(a) Australia
(b) Indonesia
(c) Japan
(d) South Korea
Ans: (c)

48. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below : 
List - I (City)     List - II (Aerodrome)
A. Lucknow     1. Babatpur
B. Varanasi     2. Kheria
C. Kanpur        3. Amausi
D. Agra           4. Chakeri
       A      B      C      D
(a)  4      3       1      2
(b)  2      1       4      3
(c)  3       2       1      4
(d)  3      1       4      2
Ans: (d)

49. The official bird of Uttar Pradesh is 
(a) Peacock
(b) Saras
(c) Parrot
(d) Cuckoo
Ans: (b)

50. The most popular religious magazine 'Kalyan' is published from 
(a) Mathura
(b) Rishikesh
(c) Gorakhpur
(d) Varanasi
Ans: (c)

51. Which One of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? 
(a) Vrindavan Mandir - Mathura
(b) J.K. Temple - Lucknow
(c) Vishwanath Mandir - Varanasi
(d) Devipatan Mandir - Tulsipur
Ans: (b)

52. Which one of the following statements regarding uttar Pradesh, according to the provisional figures of 2011 Census is not correct? 
(a) It accounts for 16.5 percent of the Country's population.
(b) It has the largest 'number of children in the country.
(c) Its decadal growth rate is 18.4%.
(d) Its Sex ratio is 908.
Ans: (c)

53. Famous Charkula dance is associated with 
(a) Avadh
(b) Bundelkhand
(c) Brijbhumi
(d) Rohilkhand
Ans: (c)

54. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Agricultural University is located at 
(a) Faizabad
(b) Meerut
(c) Kanpur
(d) Jhansi
Ans: (b)

55. The winner of All England Badminton championship.2011, Men's Singles Title, was 
(a) Chen Jin
(b) Lee Chong Wei
(c) Lee Yong Dae
(d) Lin Dan
Ans: (b) 

56. The Winner of Australian Open 2011, Men's Singles, was
(a) Andy Murray
(b) David Ferrer
(c) Novak Djkovic
(d) Roger Federer
Ans: (c)

57. The Captain of the Indian Hockey Team for Azlan Shah Cup Hockey Tournament, 2011, was
(a) Arjun Halappa
(b) Rajesh Kumar
(c) Rajpal Singh
(d) Shivendra Singh
Ans: (a)

58. Farrukhabad is known for 
(a) Carpet weaving
(b) Glassware
(c) Perfume Manufacture
(d) Hand Printing
Ans: (d)

59. In Which of the following crops Uttar Pradesh is not the largest producer in India?
(a) Polato
(b) Rice
(c) Sugarcane
(d) Wheat
Ans: (b) 

60. In ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 the "man of the tournament" was
(a) Kumar Sangakarra
(b) Sachin Tendulkar
(c) Tilakratne Dilshan
(d) Yuvraj Singh
Ans: (d)

61. The "Leures World Sportsman Year" award for 2010 was given to
(a) Lionel Massi
(b) Rafael Nadal
(c) Ronaldo
(d) Sachin Tendulkar
Ans: (b) 

62. 'Smash' is assosiated with which of the following sports?
(a) Boxing
(b) Wrestling
(c) Football
(d) Volleyball
Ans: (d)

63. Bula Chaudhary is well-known in which of the following sports?
(a) Swimming
(b) Hockey
(c) Football
(d) Archery
Ans: (a)

64. Tejaswani  Sawant is the first Indian woman to be crowned world championship in
(a) Athelatics
(b) Boxing
(c) Shooting
(d) Wrestling
Ans: (c)

65. The correct descending order of the four winners of the highest number of gold medals in the 34th National Games 2011 is
(a) Services, Manipur, Haryana, Maharashtra
(b) Services, Haryana, Manipur, Maharashtra
(c) Services, Manipur, Maharashtra, Haryana
(d) Services, Haryana, Maharashtra, Manipur
Ans: (a)

66. In the 34th National Games, 2011 which State. Won the team title in Badminton in Men's Section?
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Kerala
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Tamil Nadu
Ans: (a)

67. "Stanley Cup' is associated with
(a) Badminton
(b) Basketball
(c) Golf
(d) Ice Hockey
Ans: (d)

68. If COMPUTER IS Coded as RFUYQNPC, the code for MEDICINE will be 
Ans: (d)

69. Introducing a girl Mohan said. "Her mother is the only daughter of my mother-in-law." How is Mohan related to that girl? 
(a) Brother
(b) father
(c) Husband
(d) Uncle
Ans: (b)

70. The following series has a wrong number: 
1 12 65 264 795 1590 1593
The wrong number is
(a) 65
(b) 264
(c) 795
(d) 1590
Ans: (d)

71. Govind is 3 years older than his wife Shyama and four times as old as his son Raghu. If Raghu becomes 15 years old after 3 years, what is the present age of Shyama ? 
(a) 60 years
(b) 51 years
(c) 48 years
(d) 45 years
Ans: (d)

72. Ten years ago Ram's age was half of Moti's age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3 : 4, what is the total of their present ages? 
(a) 25
(b) 28
(c) 32
(d) 35
Ans: (d)

73. Sonu bought a watch with 30 percent discount on the labelled price. He sold it With 20 percent profit on the labelled price. Approximately, what was his percentage of profit on the price he bought? 
(a) 50
(b) 65
(c) 70
(d) 85
Ans: (c)

74. Which one of the following will come next in the series given below? 
(a) PHV
(b) PPV
(c) PTV
(d) PJW
Ans: (a)

75. There are four prime numbers. The product of first three is 385 and the product of the last three is 1001. First and the last numbers are respectively: 
(a) 5, 11
(b) 5, 13
(c) 7, 11
(d) 7, 13
Ans: (b)

76. If the number 1 X 5 X 01 is divisible by 11, then X is equal to 
(a) 2
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 3
Ans: (c)

77. Avinash spent 2/5 of his income for a month on rent and 3/4th of the remainder on other expenses. The balance of Rs.180 he put in his savings account. How much was his income for the month? 
(a) Rs. 1,200
(b) Rs. 1,400
(c) Rs. 1,600
(d) Rs. 1,800
Ans: (b)

78. The author of 'Green Development' is 
(a) M.J. Bradshaw
(b) M. Nicolson
(c) R.H. Whittakar
(d) W.M. Adams
Ans: (d)

79. The missing number in the following series: 
0, 4, 18, 48, ? 180 is
(a) 58
(b) 68
(c) 84
(d) 100
Ans: (d)

80. Man as started a business investing Rs. 42,000. After 7 months, Kamal joined him with a capital of Rs. 50,000. At the end of the year, the total profit was Rs. 30,160. What is Kamal's share in the profit? 
(a) Rs. 10,000
(b) Rs. 20,160
(c) Rs. 10,160
(d) Rs. 8,000
Ans: (a)

81. The surface area of a cube is 384 m2 Its volume will be
(a) 512m3
(b) 516m3
(c) 1032m3
(d) 216m3
Ans: (a)

82. The World Water Conservation Day is observed on 
(a) 28 February
(b) 22 March
(c) 5 June
(d) 11 July
Ans: (b)

83. The Periyar Game Sanctuary is renowned by 
(a) Lions
(b) Spotted deers
(c) Tigers
(d) Wild Elephants
Ans: (c)

84. Which one of the following cities has the largest slum population? 
(a) Bangalore
(b) Chennai
(c) Delhi
(d) Surat
Ans: (c)

85. Which one of the following is the most urbanized country of West Asia? 
(a) Israel
(b) Kuwait
(c) Qatar
(d) Saudi Arabia

86. Which of the following countries suffer from the acid rains? 
1. Canada
2. France
3. Norway
4. Germany
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 3 and 4
Ans: (c)

87. The World Tiger Summit 2010 was held at 
(a) Bangkok
(b) Nairobi
(c) New Delhi
(d) Petersburg
Ans: (d)

88. The author of 'Nuclear, Reactor Time Bomb' is
(a) C.C. Park
(b) E. P. Odum
(c) S. Polasky
(d) Takashi Hirose
Ans: (d)

89. Which one of the following States India has recorded the maximum increase in literacy rate during 2001-2011? 
(a) Bihar
(b) Gujarat
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Uttar Pradesh
Ans: (a)

90. As per the provisional figures of 2011 Census the second most populous State of India is 
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Bihar
(c) Maharashtra
(d) West Bengal
Ans: (c)

91. Which of the following statements are correct according to the provisional figures of Census of India 2011? 
Use the code given below to select the correct answer: 
1. The lowest population is found in Lakshadweep.
2. Chandigarh has the highest population density.
3. Arunachal Pradesh has the lowest population density.
4. Dadra and Nagar Haveli has the highest decadal growth of population.
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1,2 and 3
(c) 2,3 and 4
(d) 1,3 and 4
Ans: (d)

92. According to the provisional figures of Census 2011 arrange the following districts of Uttar Pradesh In descending order of their population size and select the correct answer from the code given below: 
1. Allahabad
2. Azamgarh
3. Ghaziabad
4. Lucknow
(a) 1,3,2,4
(b) 1,4,3,2
(c) 2,3,1,4
(d) 4,1,2,3
Ans: (a)

93. According to the provisional figures of 2011 Census the lowest sex ratio in India is found in
(a) Chandigarh
(b) Daman and Diu
(c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
(d) Haryana
Ans: (b)

94. The first Gupta ruler who issued coins was 
(a) Srigupta
(b) Chandragupta I
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Chandragupta II
Ans: (d)

95. The Prince who was responsible for the death of his father was 
(a) Ajatasatru
(b) Chandapradyota
(c) Prasenjit
(d) Udayana
Ans: (a)

96. Who among the following was the earliest Sufi Saint to have settled at Ajmer? 
(a) Sheikh Moinuddin Chisti
(b) Sheikh Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Qaki
(c) Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya
(d) Sheikh Salim Chisti
Ans: (a)

97. With which Mughal General did Shivaji sign the famous 'Treaty of Purandhar in 1665 A.D? 
(a) Jaswant Singh
(b) Jai Singh
(c) Shaishta Khan
(d) Diler Khan
Ans: (b)

98. During the 13th and 14th Centuries A.D. the Indian peasants did not cultivate 
(a) Wheat
(b) Barley
(c)  Rice
(d) Maize
Ans: (d)

99. The writer of Mahabhasya 'Patanjali ' was a contemporary of 
(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Ashoka
(c) Pushyamitra Sunga
(d) Chandragupta I
Ans: (c)

100. Gautama Buddha had attained Mahaparinibban in the State of 
(a) Anga
(b) Magdha
(c) Malla
(d) Vatsa
Ans: (c)

101. Buddha had delivered Maximum sermons at 
(a) Vaishali
(b) Sravasti
(c) Kaushambi
(d) Rajgriha
Ans: (b)

102. Consider the following statement and select the correct answer from the code given below: 
1. Vikrarn Samvat began in 58 BC.
2. Saka Samvat began in 319 AD.
3. Gupta era began in 319 AD.
4. The era of Muslim rule in India began in 1192 AD.
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1,2, 3 and 4
Ans: (d)

103. Which one of the following rulers established embassies in foreign countries on modern lines? 
(a) Haider Ali
(b) Mir Qasim
(c) Shah Alam II
(d) Tipu Sultan
Ans: (d)

104. Who among the following was the one to have escaped being hanged in the 'Kakori Conspiracy Case'? 
(a) Ashfaqullah Khan
(b) Rajendra Lahiri
(c) Ram Prasad Bismil
(d) Chandra Shekhar Azad
Ans: (d)

105. Who among the following attended all the three Round Table Conferences? 
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Vallabh Bhai Patel
(d) Rajendra Prasad
Ans: (b)

106. Which Sultan of Delhi imposed Jaziya on the Brahmins also? 
(a) Balban
(b) Firoz Tughlaq
(c) Allauddin Khilji
(d) Mohammad bin Tughlaq
Ans: (b)

107. Who among the following was the founder of Agra?
(a) Balban
(b) Bahlol Lodhi
(c) Sikandar Lodhi
(d) Firoz Tughlaq
Ans: (c)

108. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? 
(a) Ajmer-Quuwal-al-Islam
(b) Jaunpur - Atala Mosque
(c) Malwa - Jahaz Mahal
(d) Gulbarga - Jama Masjid
Ans: (a)

109.  Who among the following leaders of the Revolution of 1857 had the real name of Ram Chandra Pandurang ? 
(a) Kunwar Singh
(b) Nana Saheb
(c) Tatiya Tope
(d) Mangal Pandey
Ans: (c)

110. Who among the following led the agitation against the Partition of Bengal (1905) ? 
(a) Surendranath Banerjee
(b) C. R. Das
(c) Ashutosh Mukherjee
(d) Rabindra Nath Tagore
Ans: (a)

111. Who among the following leaders escaped from the prison and organized underground activities during the 'Quit India Movement' ? 
(a) J.B. Kriplani
(b) Ram Manohar Lohia
(c) Achyut Patwardhan
(d) Jai Prakash Narayan
Ans: (c)

112. Arrange the following In the chronological order and select the correct answer from the code given below: 
1. The August Offer
2. The Cabinet Mission Plan
3. The Cripps Mission Plan
4. The Wavell Plan
(a) 1, 2, 4, 3
(b) 4, 3, 2, 1
(c) 1, 3, 4, 2
(d) 3, 4, 1, 2
Ans: (c)

113. After returning from South Africa, Gandhiji launched his first successful Satyagraha in 
(a) Champaran
(b) Chauri Chaura
(c) Bardoli
(d) Dandi
Ans: (a)

114. The only session of the Indian National Congress addressed by Mahatma held at 
(a) Amravati
(b) Belgaum
(c) Karachi
(d) Nagpur
Ans: (b)

115. Who among the following had moved the Non co-operation resolution in the Nagpur session of the Indian National Congress in 1920 ? 
(a) C.R. Das
(b) Annie Besant
(c) B.C. Pal
(d) Madan Mohan Malviya

116. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ? 
(a) Durga Das : The Life of Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Louis Fischer: India From Curzon to Nehru and After
(c) Frank Moraes: Jawahar Lal Nehru - A Biography
(d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad : India Divided
Ans: (c)

117. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched ? 
(a) James Watt: Steam Engine
(b) A. G. Bell : Telephone
(c) J. L. Baird : Television
(d) J. Perkins : Penicillin
Ans: (d)

118. Who among the following had started 'Mitra Mela' Association ? 
(a) Shyamji Krishna Verma
(b) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
(c) Lala Hardayal
(d) Sohan Singh Bhakna
Ans: (b)

119. The statement "I am a socialist and a republican and am no believer Kings and Princes" is associated with 
(a) Narendra Dev
(b) Achyut Patwardhan
(c) Jai Prakash Narayan
(d) Jawahar Lal Nehru
Ans: (d)

120. Who among the following had led the Swadeshi Movement in Delhi. 
(a) Balgangadhar Tilak
(b) Ajit Singh
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(d) Syed Haider Raza
Ans: (C)

121. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ? 

(a) Silver iodide - Horn Silver
(b) Silver chloride - Artificial rain
(c) Zinc phosphide - Rat poison
(d) Zinc sulphide - Philosopher's wool
Ans: (c)

122. Which one of the following gases is essential for photosynthesis process ? 

(a) CO
(b) Co2
(c) N2
(d) O2
Ans: (b)

123.  Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below: 
List - I                       List - II

A. Morphine              1. Antiseptic
B. Sodium                 2. Alloy
C. Boric Acid             3. Analgesic
D. German Silver      4. Kerosene oil
       A     B    C     D
(a)  4     3     1     2
(b)  2     4     3     1
(c)  3      1     4     2
(d)  3     4     1     2
Ans: (d)

124. Which one of the following human organs is most susceptible to harmful radiations ? 
(a) Eyes
(b) Heart
(c) Brain
(d) Lungs
Ans: (a)

125. The minimum height of a plane mirror to see the full size image of a person is equal to 
(a) the height of the person
(b) half the height of the person
(c) one-fourth the height of the person
(d) double the height of the person
Ans: (b)

126. Helium is preferred to hydrogen in air balloons because it 
(a) is cheaper
(b) is less dense
(c) has greater lifting power
(d) does not form an explosive mixture with air.
Ans: (d)

127.  Which one of the following is NOT formed in our body ? 
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Protein
(c) Enzyme
(d) Hormone
Ans: (a) 

128. Anosmia is 
(a) loss of the sense of taste.
(b) loss of the sense of smell.
(c) loss of the sense of touch.
(d) loss of the sense of heat.
Ans: (b)

129.  Assertion (A) : If somebody stops taking green vegetables he will suffer from night blindness.
Reason (R) : He will suffer from Vitamin A deficiency.
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
(a)  Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true. but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: ?

130. Insectivorous fish used for mosquito control is 
(a) Hilsa
(b) Labeo
(c) Gambusia
(d) Mystus
Ans: (c)

131. With which of the physiological process Thrombin is associated ? 
(a) Excretion
(b) Blood clotting
(c) Reproduction
(d) Growth
Ans: (b)

132. AIDS is caused by 
(a) Bacteria
(b) Fungus
(c) Helminth
(d) Virus
Ans: (d)

133.  Which of the following is NOT the normal function of the human kidney ? 
(a) Regulation of water level in the blood.
(b) Regulation of sugar level ill the blood.
(c) filter out urea.
(d) Secretion of several hormones.
Ans: (d)

134. Retina of the eye is comparable to which of the following parts of a traditional camera ? 
(a) Film
(b) Lens
(c) Shutter
(d) Cover
Ans: (b)

135. Which one of the following is used as a moderator in the nuclear reactor? 
(a) Thorium
(b) Graphite
(c) Radium
(d) Ordinary water
Ans: (b)

136. Refrigeration helps in food preservation by 
(a) killing the germs
(b) reducing the rate of biochemical reactions
(c) destroying enzyme action.
(d) sealing the food with a layer of ice.
Ans: (b)

137. Electric bulb filament is made of 
(a) Copper
(b) Aluminium
(c) Lead
(d) Tungsten
Ans: (d)

138. Which mirror is used as a rear view mirror in the vehicles? 
(a) Plane
(b) Convex
(c) Concave
(d) Inverted
Ans: (b)

139. Which one of the following is a part of Infotech Terminology? 
(a) Protocol
(b) Login
(c) Archie
(d) All the above
Ans: (d)

140. Inventor and founder of www is 
(a) Timbernrus
(b) N. Russel
(c) Lee N. Fiyong
(d) Bill Gates
Ans: (a)

141. Amniocentosis is a method used to determine the 
(a) foetal sex
(b) kind of Amino acids
(c) sequence of Amino acids in protein
(d) type of hormones
Ans: ?

142. BMD testing is done to diagnose 
(a) Dengue
(b) Malaria
(c) Osteoporosis
(d) AIDS
Ans: (c)

143. The principle 'of 'Black hole' was enunciated by 
(a) C.V. Raman
(b) H.J. Bhabha
(c) S. Chandrashekhar
(d) H. Khurana
Ans: (c)

144. Which one of the following has the right to address the Parliament? 
(a) Attorney General of India
(b) Chief Election Commissioner of India
(c) Chief Justice of India
(d) National Security Advisor
Ans: (a)

145. Which one of the following statements about the Parliament of India is NOT correct? 
(a) The Constitution provides for a Parliamentary form of Government.
(b) The foremost function of the Parliament is to provide a Cabinet.
(c) The membership of the Cabinet is restricted to the Lower House.
(d) The Cabinet has to enjoy the confidence of the majority in the popular Chamber.
Ans: (c)

146. Voting right by the youths at the age of 18 years was exercised for the first time in the General Election of 
(a) 1987
(b) 1988
(c) 1989
(d) 1990
Ans: (c)

147. Under which one of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution, the Legislative Assembly is allowed to resolve for the creation of the Legislative Council? 
(a) 168
(b) 169
(c) 170
(d) 171
Ans: (b)

148. Missile' Astra' is a 
(a) land to land missile
(b) land to air missile
(c) air to air missile
(d) water to land missile
Ans: (c)

149. Indane gas is a mixture of 
(a) butane and hydrogen
(b) butane and oxygen
(c) butane and propane
(d) methane and oxygen
Ans: (c)

150. Which one of the following States has granted Sanskrit language the status of the second 'official language of the State?
(a) Bihar
(b) Chhattisgarh
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Uttarakhand
Ans: (d)



1: What is called as the “Roof of the World”?

  1. Indira Point
  2. Kanchenjunga
  3. Pamir Knot
  4. Indira Col
Answer: 3.  Pamir knot
2: The illustrious names of Aryabhatta and Varahamihir are associated with the age of the
  1. Guptas
  2. Kushanas
  3. Mauryas
  4. Palas
Answer: 1.  Guptas
3: Who generally acknowledged as the pioneer of local self government in modern India?
  1. Ripon
  2. Mayo
  3. Lytton
  4. Curzon
Answer:  1.  Ripon
4: Which Article of the Constitution of India abolishes untouchability and forbids its practice in any form?
  1. Article 16
  2. Article 17
  3. Article 18
  4. Article 15
Answer: 2.  Article 17
5: The idea of Pakistan was first conceived by
  1. Muhammad Iqbal
  2. M. A. Jinnah
  3. Shaukat Ali
  4. Aga Khan
Answer: 1.  Muhammad Iqbal
6: Which of the following countries has introduced “Direct Democracy”?
  1. Russia
  2. India
  3. France
  4. Switzerland
Answer: 4.  Switzerland
7: Inflation occurs when aggregate supply is
  1. More that aggregate demand
  2. Less than aggregate demand
  3. Equal to aggregate demand
  4. None of the above
Answer: 2.  More that aggregate demand
8: Which State has the lowest per capita income in India?
  1. Bihar
  2. Orissa
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Gujrat
Answer: 2.  Orissa
9: In the budget figures of the Government of India, fiscal deficit is
  1. Total expenditure – total receipts
  2. Revenue expenditure – revenue receipts
  3. Capital expenditure – capital receipts + market borrowings
  4. Sum of budget deficit and Government’s market borrowings and liabilities
Answer: 1.  Total expenditure – total receipts
10: The eighth Joint Economic Group dialogue between China and India was held in January 2010 in Beijing, China after a gap of
  1. two years
  2. three years
  3. four years
  4. five years
Answer: 3.  four years
11: According to the recently released World Bank Report, the Chinese economy grew by the close of fourth quarter of 2009 at the rate of
  1. 9.7 percent
  2. 10.7 percent
  3. 10.8 percent
  4. 11 percent
Answer: 2.  10.7 percent
12: As per the quality of life Index 2010, which was released worldwide in January 2010, the united States occupies the
  1. Second Place
  2. Third Place
  3. Fifth Place
  4. Seventh Place
Answer: 4. Seventh Place
13: The India-France deal for civil nuclear corporation, which came into force in January 2010, had been signed between the two countries in
  1. September 2008
  2. October 2008
  3. November 2008
  4. December 2008
Answer: 1. September 2008
14: Wodeyars were the ruler of
  1. Princely State of Mysore
  2. Princely State of Travancore
  3. Vijayanagaram
  4. None of these
Answer: 1. Princely State of Mysore
15: “Black Pagoda” is in
  1. Egypt
  2. Srilanka
  3. Madurai
  4. Konark
Answer: 4. Konark
16: The meeting of the Rajya Sabha are presided over by the
  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Speaker
Answer: 2. Vice President
17: Lunar eclipse occurs on
  1. A new moon day
  2. A full moon day
  3. A half moon day
  4. both 1 and 2
Answer: 2. A full moon day
18: Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation?
  1. Rice
  2. Wheat
  3. Beans
  4. Maize
Answer: 3. Beans
19: Detroit in the U. S. A. is known as the city of
  1. Motor Car
  2. Lights
  3. Aeroplanes
  4. Rockets
Answer: 1. Motor Car
20: The term “Fourth Estate” refers to
  1. Backward States
  2. Judiciary
  3. Press
  4. Tea Estate
Answer: 3. Press
21: SAIL’s plant in Karnataka is situated at
  1. Bangalore
  2. Bhadravati
  3. Belgaum
  4. Hubli
Answer: 2. Bhadravati
22: At which of the following place Rajiv Gandhi died of human bomb explosion?
  1. New Delhi
  2. Chennai
  3. Sriperumbudur
  4. Colombo
Answer: 3. Sriperumbudur
23: Who is not the Speaker of the Lok Sabha ever?
  1. Somnath Chatterjee
  2. P. A. Sangma
  3. Meira Kumar
  4. Sushma Swaraj
Answer: 4. Sushma Swaraj
24: The Governor General associated with the abolition of slavery was
  1. Cornwallis
  2. Bentinck
  3. Dalhousie
  4. Rippon
Answer: 2. Bentinck
25: The name of India’s first carrier is
  1. INS Vikrant
  2. INS Nilgiri
  3. INS Kukri
  4. INS Himgiri
Answer: 1. INS Vikrant
26: The general direct flow of summer monsoon in India is -
  1. From South to North
  2. From South West to South East
  3. From South East to South West
  4. From South West to North East
Answer: 2 From South West to South East
27: World No-Tobacco Day is observed on -
  1. May 25
  2. May 31
  3. May28
  4. May 24
Answer: 2. May 31
28: Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth’s surface?
  1. Desert Ecosystem
  2. Grassland Ecosystem
  3. Mountain Ecosystem
  4. Marine Ecosystem
Answer: 4. Marine Ecosystem
29: With which game is the Double Fault associated?
  1. Lawn Tennis
  2. Football
  3. Cricket
  4. Hockey
Answer: 2. Football
30: Where is the oldest oil refinery in India located?
  1. Digboi
  2. Cochin
  3. Mathura
  4. Guwahati
Answer: 1. Digboi
31: The Siwaliks stretch between -
  1. Indus and Sutlaj
  2. Potwar basin and Teesta
  3. Sutlaj and Kali
  4. None of these
Answer: 2. Potwar basin and Teesta
32: Thalassaemia is a hereditary disease affecting -
  1. Blood
  2. Lungs
  3. Heart
  4. Kidney
Answer: 1.  Blood
33: Polythene is industrially prepared by the polymerization of -
  1. Methane
  2. Styrene
  3. Acetylene
  4. Ethylene
Answer: 4. Ethylene
34: In cricket the length of pitch between the two wickets is -
  1. 24 yards
  2. 23 yards
  3. 22 yards
  4. 21 yards
Answer: 3.  22 yards
35: Which one of the following is not the official language of the United Nations Organisation?
  1. Arabic
  2. Chinese
  3. Portuguese
  4. Spanish
Answer: 3.  Portuguese
36: Which countries are separated by Mac Mohan Line?
  1. India and Pakistan
  2. China and Tibet
  3. India and China
  4. India and Bangladesh
Answer: 3.  India and China
37: Which one of the following is a water soluble vitamin?
  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Vitamin K
Answer: 2. Vitamin C
38: Among the following who was the Speaker in two Lok Sabhas?
  1. Rabi Ray
  2. Shivraj Patil
  3. P. A. Sangma
  4. G. M. C Balyogi
Answer: 4.  G. M. C Balyogi
39: ‘Lakshya’ which is part of Indian Defence System is
  1. Surface of air missile
  2. Missile Firing Submarine
  3. multi Barrel rocket System
  4. Pilot-less target aircraft
Answer: 4. Pilot-less target aircraft
40: Which one of the following states has only one representatives each in Lok Sabha?
  1. Manipur, Meghalaya
  2. Himachal Pradesh and Jammu Kashmir
  3. Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura
  4. Mizoram and Nagaland
Answer: 4.  Mizoram and Nagaland
41: Who among the following is known as the guardian of the Public Purse in India?
  1. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India
  2. The President
  3. The Minister of Finance
  4. The parliament
Answer: 1.  The Comptroller and Auditor General of India
42: Biological Oxygen demand (BOD) is used as a standard measure of
  1. Oxygen level in forest System
  2. Oxygen level in animals
  3. Oxygen level in water system
  4. Oxygen level in atmosphere
Answer: 3.  Oxygen level in water system
43: Which of the following Crops is of Kharif Season?
  1. Soyabean
  2. Linseed
  3. lentil
  4. Mustard
Answer: 1.  Soyabean
44: Fruit most suitable for making jelly is
  1. Papaya
  2. Karunda
  3. Mango
  4. Banana
Answer: 3.  Mango
45: Who was the first chief Justice of Supreme court of Calcutta?
  1. Hyde
  2. Elijah Impey
  3. Lemaistre
  4. Monson
Answer: 2.  Elijah Impey
46: By which of the following Acts were the Commercial Rights of East India Company Abolished?
  1. Regulating Act of 1773
  2. Charter Act of 1813
  3. Charter Act of 1833
  4. Charter Act of 1853
Answer: 3.  Charter Act of 1833
47: Who Was the founder of All India Muslim League?
  1. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
  2. Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan
  3. Liyaqat Ali Khan
  4. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Answer: 2.  Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan
48: Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant obtains its iron ore from the mines of
  1. Bababudan
  2. Bailadila
  3. Dalli-Rajhra
  4. Gurumahisaini
Answer: 1.  Bababudan
49: The First Finance Commission was constituted in the year
  1. 1956
  2. 1953
  3. 1952
  4. 1951
Answer: 4.  1951
50: Which one of the following Settlements comprised Zamindar as middleman to collect the land revenue?
  1. Mahalwari Settlement
  2. Ryotwari Settlement
  3. Permanent Settlement
  4. None of the above
Answer: 3.  Permanent Settlement
51: Which of the following was the court language during the reign of Akbar?
  1. Hindi
  2. Urdu
  3. Persian
  4. Arabic
Answer: 3.  Persian
52: What were the districts called in the Vijaynagar empire?
  1. Nadu
  2. Khurram
  3. Kottam
  4. Janpad
Answer: 3.  Kottam
53: Which was the first National News Agency of India?
  1. The Indian Review
  2. The Free Press of India
  3. The Associated Press of India
  4. None of the above
Answer: 3. The Associated Press of India
54: The depiction of the stones of the previous lives of Gautama Buddha was first done in the art of
  1. Sarnath Pillar of Asoka
  2. Bharhut Stupa
  3. Ajanta Caves
  4. Eilora Caves
Answer: 2.  Bharhut Stupa
55: The British Parliament can do everything except make a woman a man and a woman a man?To whom is this statement ascribed?
  1. Dicey
  2. Hegal
  3. De Lolme
  4. none of above
Answer: 3.  De Lolme
56: Which of the following states did not come into being in 1987?
  1. Mizoram
  2. Arunachal Pradesh
  3. Goa
  4. Manipur
Answer: 4.  Manipur
57: The number of Zonal Councils in India is
  1. Five
  2. Four
  3. Seven
  4. Eight
Answer: 1.  Five
58: National Commission for Back ward Classes was established in
  1. 1994
  2. 1993
  3. 1995
  4. 1999
Answer: 2. 1993
59: Indravati Hydroelectric Project is the multipurpose projet of
  1. Maharashtra state
  2. Gujarat state
  3. Orissa State
  4. Tamil Nadu state
Answer: 3.  Orissa State
60: Which sector contributes the maximum share in National income of India?
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. All the above have equal share
Answer: 3.  Tertiary
61: Shankarlal Guru committee was associated With
  1. Agricultural Marketing
  2. Agricultural production
  3. Public Distribution System
  4. None of above
Answer: 1.  Agricultural Marketing
62: IMF is the result of
  1. Hawana Conference
  2. Rome Conference
  3. Brettonwood Conference
  4. Geneva Conference
Answer: 3.  Brettonwood Conference
63: The Difference between Gross Domestic product and Net Domestic product is
  1. Government Revenue
  2. Net Indirect Tax (Indirect Tax Subsidy)
  3. Consumption of fixed Capital
  4. Net Capital Formation
Answer: 4.  Net Capital Formation
64: First share market in India was established in
  1. Delhi
  2. Mumbai
  3. Kolkata
  4. chennai
Answer: 2.  Mumbai
65: The acronym STD written on Telephone booth stands for
  1. Straight Telephone Dial
  2. Switch Telephone Dial
  3. Subscriber Telephone Dialing
  4. Save Telephone Dialing
Answer: 3.  Subscriber Telephone Dialing
66: India has signed a landamrk deal for sale of Dhruv Advance Light Helicopters (ALHs) with
  1. Venezuela
  2. Peru
  3. Ecuador
  4. Chile
Answer: 3. Ecuador
67: Humidity is measured by which of the following instrument?
  1. Barometer
  2. Thermometer
  3. Hygrometer
  4. Hydrometer
Answer: 3.  Hygrometer
68: Rabindranath Tagore was awarded Noble Prize for his literary work named
  1. Geetanjali
  2. Rajtarangini
  3. Chokher Bali
  4. Kapal Kundala
Answer: 1. Geetanjali
69: Which of the following department of Indian Government takes care of education of children with physical disabilities?
  1. Ministry of Welfare
  2. Ministry of Sports
  3. Ministry of HRD
  4. Ministry of Rural Development
Answer: 1. Ministry of Welfare
70: Amrita Pritam’s work “A Revenue Stamp” is
  1. A book of stories
  2. A novel
  3. A biography
  4. An autobiography
Answer: 4.  An autobiography
71: “Nadi Ke Dweep” is the creation of
  1. Nirmala Verma
  2. Krishna Sobit
  3. Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh
  4. Sachidananda Heeranand Vatsyayan Agyeya
Answer: 4.  Sachidananda Heeranand Vatsyayan Agyeya
72: The poetic work “Rashmirathi” was written by
  1. Maithilisharan Gupt
  2. Mahadevi Verma
  3. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
  4. Surya Kant Tripathi Nirala
Answer: 3.  Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
73: “Operation Black Board” refers to providing schools with
  1. Enough number of black boards
  2. New type of black boards
  3. Training for using new type of black boards
  4. All essential learning materials.
Answer: 4.  Training for using new type of black boards
74: Transistors used in electronic equipments are mostly made of
  1. Silver
  2. Copper
  3. Silicon
  4. Carbon
Answer: 3.  Silicon
75: The disease diphtheria affects
  1. Lungs
  2. Intestine
  3. Throat
  4. Body joints
Answer: 3.  Throat
76: Which of the following is the brightest planet as seen from the earth?
  1. Mercury
  2. Uranus
  3. Venus
  4. Mars
Answer: 3.  Venus
77: The Harry Potter series is written by
  1. K K Rowling
  2. K J Rowling
  3. J K Rowling
  4. A K Rowling
Answer: 3.  J K Rowling
78: The most common communicable disease is
  1. Influenza
  2. Typhoid
  3. Cholera
  4. Polio
Answer: 1.  Influenza
79: Among the following, the richest source of protein is
  1. Ground Nut
  2. Rice
  3. Potato
  4. Apple
Answer: 1.  Ground Nut
80: Taoism is a school of
  1. Chinese philosophy
  2. Japanese philosophy
  3. Buddhist philosophy
  4. Sri Lankan philosophy
Answer: 1.  Chinese Philosophy
81: Hydrogen is used instead of Helium to fill balloons for meteorology because
  1. of its low density
  2. It is not very reactive under normal conditions
  3. It is almost insoluble in water
  4. It can be prepared easily
Answer: 1.  of its low density
82: The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is
  1. Silicon
  2. Aluminium
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Oxygen
Answer: 4.  Oxygen
83: Stainless steel is an example of
  1. A metallic compound
  2. A homogeneous mixture
  3. A heterogeneous mixture
  4. An inorganic compound
Answer: 1.  A metallic compound
84: The Non-Cooperation Movement was ultimately withdrawn by Mahatma Gandhi
  1. On the directions of the Party
  2. On account of amicable settlement with the British
  3. On account of violent incidents at Chauri-Chaura
  4. On account of excessive repression by the Government
Answer: 3.  On account of violent incidents at Chauri-Chaura
85: The Preamble of the Constitution after 42nd amendment declares India
  1. Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic
  2. Sovereign Democratic Republic
  3. Federal Democratic Republic
  4. Federal Socialist Democratic Republic
Answer: 1.  Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic
86: The International Date Line is the
  1. Equator
  2. 0° Longitude
  3. 88° East Longitude
  4. 180° Longitude
Answer: 4.  180° Longitude
87: The real executive power under a Parliamentary Government rests with
  1. The Parliament
  2. The King
  3. The Council of Ministers
  4. The Civil Servants
Answer: 3.  The Council of Ministers
88: Who among the following was the first Maratha Ruler to get legal recognition from the Mughals?
  1. Sahuji
  2. Shivaji
  3. Balaji Baji Rao
  4. Sambhaji
Answer: 1.  Sahuji
89: The average solar day is approximately
  1. 24 hrs
  2. 24 hrs 15 minutes
  3. 24 hrs 52 minutes
  4. 24 hrs 15 Second
Answer: 1.  24 hrs
90: The constellation Sapta-Rishi is known to westerns as the
  1. Seven Monks
  2. Alpha Centauri
  3. Big Dipper
  4. Small Bear
Answer: 3.  Big Dipper
91: One kilobyte is equal to
  1. 1000 bytes
  2. 1024 bytes
  3. 100 bytes
  4. 1023 bytes
Answer: 2.  1024 bytes
92: Which of the following is a cellulose fiber?
  1. Cotton
  2. Wool
  3. Rayon
  4. Polyester
Answer: 1.  Cotton
93: Which of the following is not an example of Operating System?
  1. Windows 98
  2. BSD Unix
  3. Microsoft Office XP
  4. Red Hat Linux
Answer: 3. Microsoft Office XP
94: Which of the following vitamins helps in the absorption of calcium?
  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin D
Answer: 4.  Vitamin D
95: Dengue fever is spread by
  1. Aedes aegypti mosquito
  2. Common House flies
  3. Anophilies mosquito
  4. Rodent like rats and squirrels
Answer: 1.  Aedes aegypti mosquito
96: Which of the following is not a fundamental right of the Indian citizens?
  1. Right to property
  2. Right to freedom of expression
  3. Right to vote
  4. Right to remain silence
Answer: 1.  Right to property
97: Which supercomputer is developed by the Indian Scientists?
  1. Param
  2. Super 301
  3. Compaq Presario
Answer: 1.  Param
98: Genome is the key to tomorrow’s medical practices because
  1. It unleashes an information revolution
  2. It provides a new outlook into medicine
  3. It is a new way of making drugs
  4. It can enable customized medicines.
Answer: 2.  it provides a new outlook into medicine
99: Which of the following is not a missile tested in Indian Missile Programme?
  1. Agni
  2. Trishul
  3. Prithvi
  4. Arjun
Answer: 4.  Arjun
100: Mahatma Gandhi started his struggle against apartheid in
  1. Natal
  2. Transvaal
  3. Johannesberg
  4. Champaran